Riviera Fiorita

One of the most popular events of the Riviera del Brenta, which originates from the passage of Henry III, the future King of France, in 1573 and which this year has reached its 44th edition, will begin on Friday 9th and will continue with numerous events for adults and children until Sunday 11th. A magical combination of tradition and culture, of artistic heritage and natural heritage to offer unique opportunities to experience the beauty of the Riviera del Brenta with authentic experiences that will also enrich your cultural background. So those who have never visited with a dedicated guide some of the most beautiful houses of the Riviera del Brenta, some of which have only recently been opened after important restorations, others private, or taken a romantic ride on the Grand Canal Carriage, or participated in a mini-cruise along the Brenta, or known the unique environment of our fishing valleys, will be able to take advantage of the various appointments scheduled to experience all this.The initiatives scheduled are by reservation only and the number of places is limited.Reservations at the IAT Office of Villa Widmann T 041 5600690, villawidmann@servizimetropolitani.ve.it

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